Copa Holdings Ninth Annual Investor Day @ Panama City, Panama

May 27 - May 28, 2015 at 12:00 AM EDT

Hilton Panama
Balboa Ave. &Aquilino de la Guardia
Panama City, Panama
+507 280-8080

This event, held for equity analysts and institutional investors, will feature presentations from Mr. Pedro Heilbron, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Jose Montero, Chief Financial Officer, as well as other senior members of Copa Holdings' management team.

To register for this event please contact Evelyns Gonzalez at Please make sure to RSVP by Thurs May 14,2015.


Hilton Hotel in Panama City, Panama - Special corporate rates will be available to participants (subject to room availability).


Copa will provide transportation to/from airport and to all event activities. Participants will be asked to provide travel itineraries.


Wed May 27, 2015 (OPTIONAL)

Tour of the Tocumen Airport expansion and meeting with Mr. Joseph Fidanque III (Tocumen Airport CEO)

Dinner Event with Top Management (Location: BioDiversity Museum - Bio-Museo)

Thurs May 28,2015

Presentation by Top Management on the Business, Financial, Operational, and Commercial Overview, and Q&A
- Mr. Pedro Heilbron (CEO), Mr. Jose Montero (CFO), Mr. Dan Gunn (Sr VP of Operations), Mr. Dennis Cary (Sr VP of Commercial and Planning)

Presentation and Q&A on our New Loyalty Program presented by Mr. Russ Hinckley (VP of Loyalty – Copa Airlines)


Lunch & Guest Speaker (Mr.Kemp Harker–Managing Director for Latin America of Boeing) on “Mid Term Market Outlook of Latin America”

---------- THIS EVENT WILL NOT BE WEBCAST ----------


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